Thursday, May 8, 2008

P.U.L.I.S. O.Y.S.T.E.R.!

Have you ever seen the bunch of street sweepers cleaning around Manila or Malate, lately? They are called PULIS OYSTERs (literally means oyster police) for crying out loud! PULIS OYSTER is actually an acronym of an even much deeper meaning...

Legend has it that former Manila Mayor Lito Atienza made this bunch of street sweepers slash cleaners to brainwash the minds of every people loitering around Manila... These PULIS OYSTERs are especially trained individuals that specializes weapons theoretical and construction. Their upbringing to the society is held in a very whimsical manner. Their fast moving, career-oriented, focused and have fickled minds of their own... *shivers*

Anyway, as I said before, PULIS OYSTER is actually an acronym of words or to this effect... organization, not known to Filipino citizens like everyone one of us, well except for the OYSTERs' family up to the third consanguinity... until now! Of course... this will cause me everything I have... my life, my career, my savings... I never been so honest in my life before... I never been into a situation before where I will exposed myself to the public by giving you this blog entry... and will tell all that I know about PULIS OYSTERs and stuffs... I never been so scared to death... I even got prank calls, death threats and hallucinations for spilling the beans that I have...

An example of a PULIS OYSTER! Photo courtesy of Manila Boy.

Finally, the public must know of their kind...

PULIS OYSTER is a not so secret organization, reluctantly working for the government, dressed as a street sweeper, studying different techniques and tactics and specializes high-end weaponry... they are collectively know as CLAMS (another species kind of oysters) or as an AIDENT... a portmanteau to the words metro aide and secret agent... The PULIS OYSTER acronym literally means:

P — perfect
U — utilitarian
L — liberated
I — international
S — services

O — outstanding
Y — young
S — street
T — terrific
E — entrepreneur
R — resources

From the acronym itself... we can say that the PULIS OYSTERs or CLAMS work in a very professional manner... they are perfect, outstanding and terrific... all at the same time... they live for your money... their entrepreneurs, right? They are under a not-so secret underground society of international mafia or whatever... they swarm on the streets of the metro... be scared for your life!!!

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  1. hahahaha. oyster..kumakain pa naman ako sa OYSTER BOY.. sarap kaya... hahaha

  2. @nutty boy: yeah! go and spread the word... everyone should be informed about this secret organization... hahhahah

  3. ahhhhh.. nice info. *clap, clap, clap*

  4. @andianka: wahahahhha... forgive my caprichos... aaaaww! hahahha


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