Monday, April 23, 2012

Instagram on Android Phones / Mobile Devices

It was just a few weeks ago when social networking website giant, Facebook, acquired (bought) the popular photo-sharing and photo-edit app for iPhones, Instagram for a whopping amount of $1 billion. Not so long after that, Instagram finally released its Android app counterpart for free. Instagram now runs on Android and I kinda liking it.

When I first acquired my Android phone, Samsung Galaxy Y, last December, I was eager to know the different possibilities on how I can use this Android phone. I have heard of Instagram app which are very popular to iPhone users. I have seen several pictures of Instagram app and I was surprised to the qualities of photos this app is giving.

So, when I heard of Instagram app, I immediately looked for it in the Android Market (now Google Play). Unfortunately, the Instagram app was not yet available for Android users. Several months later after having my Samsung Galaxy Y Android phone, the Instagram app is now available for Android smartphone users!

I tried doing the so-called "IN" these days, the mobile photography thingie, using the Instagram app on my Samsung Galaxy Y android smartphone. Posted all over here are some of my favorite photos that I have taken. I must say, the qualities of these photos are really great! Here's a brief description of Instagram for Android phones for newbies out there!
Instagram is a fast, beautiful and fun way to share your photos with friends and family.
Snap a picture, choose a filter to transform its look and feel, then post to Instagram. Share to Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr too – it's as easy as pie. It's photo sharing, reinvented.
Oh yeah, did we mention it’s free?

What really rocks in Instagram for Android Phones are the instant photo edit (filter) and instant photo-sharing experience on twitter, facebook, tumblr, and other social networking websites! My favorite photo filter option so far is the "Earlybird" photo filter.

Now that Instagram app is available for Android phone devices, mobile photography using Android phones will never be the same again! More photos of my Instagram Mobile Photography using my Android Samsung Galaxy Y Phone here. Enjoy!

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  1. Nice pictures! I liked your instagram picture.Update more things about the instagram in the blog.Keep good work in the blog.

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  2. Is it true, does instagram available in android phones. Good to hear, keep posting useful information like this.


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